Portal Defaults

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Set the default options as needed.

Settings can be overridden on "per portal" basis.

This is especially important if you have multi-portal setup because the settings will be applied to all portals.







Select portal to edit settings for,
Spaces in tab names will be replaced by (default character is dash '-'). This will only replace spaces in URL's not in actual tab names!
Set the extension (default setting is .aspx),
Enable / disable redirects,
Enable / disable 404 error redirect,
Enable rewriting of /LinkClick.aspx?LinkID=99 redirects to friendly URLs,
Rewrite Login links,
Rewrite Register Links,
Create automatic rule for redirect from /default.aspx to /home.aspx
This will only work if you are running the module in extension-less configuration.
Otherwise, this setting will cause redirect loop on your portal so please test before using on production site !
Create automatic rule to redirect from www.domain.com to www.domain.com/home.aspx (with 200 or 301 code)
Enable language parameters in friendly URL
Define the format of language string in URL.
Format default: /lang/xx-zz-YYYY/ e.g.: /lang/sr-SP-Latn/. This option is enabled only if setting Enable Language Parameter In Urls is set to ON.
Change to suit your needs. For example set to /xx/ to have www.domain.com/en/my-page
Enter text to be displayed as 404 error


Save changes first and Apply to all portals if needed.


If you want to run the module for multiple portals there must be a page with the module on each portal.

This page must have the same name and place in hierarchy on each portal.
The best way of making sure that it's so is to use an option on the Globals tab