Google Site Map

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There are several options that influence Google Site Map creation and content.





Include Hidden Tabs - allow hidden pages to be published in Google sitemap. If selected the hidden pages are displayed and each can be selected or de-selected,
Options in red rectangle refer to listing pages generated by various modules. Check the box if you want module content to appear in Google Sitemap,
Portal Alias - decide which portal alias should be used for Google Site Map links,
Google Frequency - set Google Site Map retrieval frequency (default is Daily),
Google Priority - set Google Site Map priority (default is 0.5, can be anything between 0.1 and 1.0),
Use Cache - select if your portal has hundreds of pages or more,
Enable compression - sitemap will be compressed (gzipped),
Sitemap Storage Folder - location for sitemap cache file,
Default Language - default site map language in case the portal uses several languages
Disable/Enable sitemap web service - the web service must be enables for the Google sitemap to function. Click the button to enable / disable.
Sitemap URL - url to access sitemap and register with Google. The Submit link helps you to register the sitemap.